Seronoknya tengok influencer, usahawan dan pelakon Nurin Afiqah dapat peluang mengerjakan umrah bersama-sama suami. Perkongsian tentang perjalanannya di sana juga menarik perhatian ramai apalagi apabila Nurin ‘membongkar’ doa yang pernah disampaikan pada Allah 13 tahun lalu di Jabal Rahmah.

13 years ago I was here at Jabal Rahmah made my dua to Allah to find me a good partner. 12 years later, Fairuz la rupanya jodohku. Good jugala…
Had a romantic moment with Fairuz where he made his dua loudly for the first time together.
Pinch him sikit make sure jangan doa minta lebih partner. Ashiap dia.
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Pasangan ini sudahpun melangsungkan perkahwinan setahun lalu. Pernikahan yang sudah tujuh kali bertangguh selesai dilangsungkan sehari sebelum tarikh PKP kedua. Mengimbau kembali nota bahagia yang Nurin kongsikan di media sosialnya tentu membibitkan keindahan cinta merpati dua sejoli ini.
“We promise to fill each day with laughter and happiness. To complete each other with passion and forgiveness. To cherish and appreciate the sacrifices made for one another. And to complete it with unconditional love that transcends words and comprehension. This is my vow, and this holds true for whatever the circumstance may be – through thick and thin; in sickness and in health. And this, I promise you.
Ya Allah, bless our marriage and let it be the means for us to grow closer to You in love and devotion. Let it be a source of blessing, happiness and joy
And we wish you were here too, Mom, to witness all of this. (Al-Fatihah Norzurina Ismail).”

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